Ati Radeon Hd 3870 Graphics Card For Mac
This is a small guide on how to set up Natit for PCI-E Radeon HD graphics cards in Mac OS X Leopard (10.5.5 & higher). By following the steps below you will get full QE/CI/OpenGL and DVI output. HDMI, S-Video and Composite outputs are confirmed to work with a Radeon HD3870. It is actually a lot easier than you might think.
This guide is for advanced users only. If you want a simple installer, check.
In case you have an older version of Leopard installed, see the. Supported Radeon HD cards:. Radeon HD 2400. Radeon HD 2600 Pro, Radeon HD 2600 XT. Radeon HD 2900 Pro, Radeon HD 2900 XT. Radeon HD 3850. Radeon HD 3870.
Ati Radeon Hd 3870 Replacement
Radeon HD 3870x2. Other Radeon HD 2x00/38x0 cards might work as well Step by step guide:.
Get Natit (attached to this post). Extract the archive and copy Natit.kext to /System/Library/Extensions. Locate ATIRadeonX2000.kext in /System/Library/Extensions, Open /System/Library/Extensions/ATIRadeonX2000.kext/Contents/Info.plist with the editor of your choice and add the PCI ID of your card (if it is not already in there). Only if you have a Radeon 2900 Pro or a Radeon 2900 XT download Extract it and copy ATYFranklin.kext to /System/Library/Extensions/ATINDRV.kext/Contents/PlugIns. Otherwise skip this step.Open Terminal (if you haven't already done so) and type: cd /System/Library/Extensions sudo chown -R root:wheel. sudo chmod -R 755.
Ati Radeon Hd 3870 Benchmark
This is a small guide on how to set up Natit for PCI-E Radeon HD graphics cards in Mac OS X Leopard (10.5.5 & higher). By following the steps below you will get full QE/CI/OpenGL and DVI output.HDMI, S-Video and Composite outputs are confirmed to work with a Radeon HD3870. It is actually a lot easier than you might think. AMD on Thursday announced the ATI Radeon HD 3870 for Mac and PC Edition. The new card is expected to ship at the end of June for $219. The new card is expected to ship at the end of June for $219. ) The Radeon HD 3870 is ATI's current single-GPU high-end card and their first high-end card available for Macs since the Radeon X1900 XT, which were sold both by ATI (for PowerMac G5s) and Apple (for Mac Pros).
sudo rm /System/Library/Extensions.mkext sudo rm /System/Library/Extensions/Caches/ are done. Reboot and pray Additional files If you have problems with white menus, you might want to try one of these files. Starting with 10.5.5 it should not be necessary to install these patches any more. If you have a Radeon 2600 Pro or a Radeon 3850 and 10.5.1 download (white menu fix) Extract it and replace the original ATIRadeonX2000GLDriver.bundle in /System/Library/Extensions with the one you have just downloaded. If you have a Radeon 2600 Pro or a Radeon 3850 and 10.5.2 download (white menu fix) Extract it and replace the original ATIRadeonX2000GLDriver.bundle in /System/Library/Extensions with the one you have just downloaded. Notes:. It is recommended to perform a clean install.
Ati Radeon Hd 3870 Drivers
Do not select any graphics-related things during the installation. AMD users: you might need a patched OpenGL.framework. Radeon HD 2400 users: You do not get DVI support. You have to use a DVI2VGA-converter instead. If DVI works, HDMI will work as well (with DVI2HDMI adaptor), no HDMI audio ATM. AGP versions of these cards require additional patching. I cannot test it and therefore this guide does only apply to the PCI-E versions.
Changelog:. 2009-03-01: Updated permissions of Natit. 2009-02-27: Added new Natit.kext and updated the post. 2008-04-03: updated 2900 information, added ATYFranklin.kext link, added link to FAQ Thanks to who made these great drivers. For more information check the #radeonhd IRC channel at Please also have a look at! Dang I can't get it working even on the rev 2 install disk.
I have PCI 2.0 if thats a problem. Which kernel are you using? Strange, PCI-E 2.0 should not be the problem. I use the 9.2.0 kernel (10.5.1 users would probably use the 9.1.0 kernel) (Darwin Kernel Version 9.2.0: Tue Feb 5 16:13:22 PST 2008; 9c31:xnu-1228.3.131/RELEASEI386 i386). Your DVI2VGA-Adaptor should not be a problem either.
Are you sure you have added the device id of your card? Did you install the ATIRadeonX2000GLDriver.bundle? If not, do it. If you have, try it without it I haven't used Zephyroth 10.5.1, so maybe something is missing or outdated there. If you can, try getting Zephyroth 10.5.2.
I tried with my 2400 but got no success! The system gets panic at very early boot; even with the '-s' flag I can't boot anymore. Using amd 5200+, asus M2v motherboard, and Leo4all 10.5.2 never mind, i quit, i'll purchase another graphics card Well, if it panics when booting with '-s' it is probably not because of your craphics card. What does the kernel panic say? My guess are some Nvidia kexts. Put in your install DVD, open Terminal and navigate to your Leopard install. Then try to remove all Nvidia kexts Regerds, mcsamrt.
Hi all, I followed all the above instruction but after rebooting, the white screen with the apple logo appears (distorted res) and then the screen turns blue (a very nice and smooth blue though). All I can see is a mouse which i can control and it appears to be in the correct resolution (1650x1080).
And also I think that OSX is running behind that blue screen 'cuz I notice when i moved the mouse to the corner that I set up to display all windows, the mouse changed into a hand with a finger pointing. Any advice, guys?
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Thanks Here's my system: Zephyroth Leopard 10.5.2 AMD EFI AMD X2 3800+ Asus A8N-VM CSM Visiontek HD 2600 Pro 512mb (dev id:9589) HDD: Maxtor 200GB IDE (MBR partitioned) audio: Soundmax (got it working with azalia package installer) Lan: Nforce ethernet (not working, tried forcedeth and skge). This is a small guide on how to set up Natit for Radeon HD graphics cards in Mac OS X Leopard (10.5.1 & 10.5.2). By following the steps below you will get full QE/CI/OpenGL and DVI output. I know there already is a guide but it is horribly outdated.
It is actually a lot easier than you might think. Supported Radeon HD cards:. Radeon HD 2600Pro. Radeon HD 2600XT. Radeon HD 2900. Radeon HD 3870.
Radeon HD 3870×2. Radeon HD 3850. Other Radeon HD 2x00/38x0 cards might work as well Step by step guide:. Get Natit from. Extract the archive and copy Natit.kext to /Sytem/Library/Extensions.
Locate ATIRadeonX2000.kext in /Sytem/Library/Extensions, Open /Sytem/Library/Extensions/ATIRadeonX2000.kext/Contents/Info.plist with the editor of your choice and add the PCI ID of your card (if it is not already in there). If you have a Radeon 2600Pro or a Radeon 3850 and 10.5.1 download Extract it and replace the original ATIRadeonX2000GLDriver.bundle in /Sytem/Library/Extensions with the one you have just downloaded. If you have a Radeon 2600Pro or a Radeon 3850 and 10.5.2 download Extract it and replace the original ATIRadeonX2000GLDriver.bundle in /Sytem/Library/Extensions with the one you have just downloaded. If you have another card skip this step.Open Terminal (if you haven't already done so) and type: cd /System/Library/Extensions sudo chown -R root:wheel. sudo chmod -R 755. sudo rm /System/Library/Extensions.mkext sudo rm /System/Library/Extensions/Caches/
So, anyone got any idea for my problem yet? Please, guys? I've just tried the Leopard graphic update and got my kernel panic.
Really don't know what else I can do. My previous post: Hi all, I followed all the above instruction but after rebooting, the white screen with the apple logo appears (distorted res) and then the screen turns blue (a very nice and smooth blue though). All I can see is a mouse which i can control and it appears to be in the correct resolution (1650x1080). And also I think that OSX is running behind that blue screen 'cuz I notice when i moved the mouse to the corner that I set up to display all windows, the mouse changed into a hand with a finger pointing. Any advice, guys? Thanks Here's my system: Zephyroth Leopard 10.5.2 AMD EFI AMD X2 3800+ Asus A8N-VM CSM Visiontek HD 2600 Pro 512mb (dev id:9589) HDD: Maxtor 200GB IDE (MBR partitioned) audio: Soundmax (got it working with azalia package installer) Lan: Nforce ethernet (not working, tried forcedeth and skge).
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