How To Open .oft File
Running office 2007 and Outlook. I have som.OFT files saved on the desktop and I use to double click on them to let the particular form in a new email windows. After installating version 2003 of Ms Frontpage (i think it happened then) the file associations for.OPT-files has disappeared. I did try to associate them manually with outlook but now it opens an empty email with the.opt-file as attachement instead, not what we want. I think I need to remove the file ass., how to do that, and also to reestablished the knowledge for the OS about theese OFT-files.
Quickly open the oft files for free. Get the list of programs that can open the files with.oft extension. Instantly scan & fix all the associated file errors. The Apache OpenOffice User Forum is an user to user help and discussion forum for exchanging information and tips with other users of Apache OpenOffice, the open source office suite. Trying to open a.oft file (View topic) • Apache OpenOffice Community Forum. Can't open a.oft file? When you double-click a file to open it, Windows examines the filename extension. If Windows recognizes the filename extension, it opens the file in the program that is associated with that filename extension.
´ I've tried to repair the outlook installation. No error during that but it did not help. Here is the report: HKEYCLASSESROOT.OFT @='oftautofile' HKEYCLASSESROOT.OFT Ou tlook.Temp late HKEYCLASSESROOT.OFT Ou tlook.Temp late Shell New HKEYCLASSESROOT oftaut ofile @=' 'EditFlags'=hex:00,00,00,0 0 HKEYCLASSESROOT oftaut ofile she ll HKEYCLASSESROOT oftaut ofile she ll open HKEYCLASSESROOT oftaut ofile she ll open co mmand @=' 'C: Program Files (x86) Microsoft Office Office12 OUTLOOK.
EXE ' '%1 ' HKEYCURRENTUSER Softwar e Microsof t Windows CurrentVer sion Explo rer FileEx ts.OFT HKEYCURRENTUSER Softwar e Microsof t Windows CurrentVer sion Explo rer FileEx ts.OFT Op enWithList HKEYCURRENTUSER Softwar e Microsof t Windows CurrentVer sion Explo rer FileEx ts.OFT Op enWithProg ids 'Outlook.Template'=hex(0): 'oftautofile'=hex(0). The Open action appears to be missing the /T switch in the command: /t oftfilename Opens the specified.oft file Open Regedit and navigate to: HKEYCLASSESROOT oftaut ofile she ll open co mmand Double-Click on the Default value and edit the command to this, including the quotation marks: 'C: Program Files (x86) Microsoft Office Office12 OUTLOOK.EX E' /t '%1' Alternatively, if you just want to Right-Click on a.REG file and 'Merge' it to the registry to modify that value, create one in Notepad using the text in the Code Snippet and Save As 'OFTFileCommand.reg'. Be sure to leave a couple of blank lines after the last line of text before saving, or else it may not merge successfully. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 HKEYCLASSESROOT oftautofile shell HKEYCLASSESROOT oftautofile shell open HKEYCLASSESROOT oftautofile shell open command @=' 'C: Program Files (x86) Microsoft Office Office12 OUTLOOK.EXE ' /t '%1 ' Select all.
You don't actually need these two lines in your.reg file: HKEYCLASSESROOT oftaut ofile she ll HKEYCLASSESROOT oftaut ofile she ll open However, it will do no harm to leave them there. If that doesn't work, my advice would then be to edit the.reg file and ADD the following value below the first of the lines above, hence my reason for including it: HKEYCLASSESROOT oftaut ofile she ll @='&open' In many cases this isn't necessary, but if there are any more 'shell' actions like 'print', 'edit', etc, then by specifying the @='&open' line in the ' shell' key, then it confirms the Open command as the default value, ie. The command executed on a double-click and also that menu option that will appear in bold on the Right-Click menu.
What a crazy operating system. I was sure I had done this when I was sorting out someone's Vista laptop a few months ago, ie. Changing default actions for potentially 'dangerous' file types like.vbs, etc. I know I had a hell of a time trying to find the apparently equivalent options in Vista that are so easy to get to in XP, but I did eventually discover where it was all tucked away. In the end I suppose I must have just ended up merging a.reg file.
How To Open .oft Files On A Mac
I didn't mean to sound as though I was criticising or contradicting you. I was just puzzled as to why I seemed to have recalled doing that. I simply haven't had the same level of exposure to Vista as I would have liked, and my memory must be getting bad with age;-).